
The current videos/status being made by CCshinobi are:

1.Attack Of The Noobs II - 10% (Summer project xD)

2. MMV~Im Coming -50%

3. Duet Song Spoof ~Viva La Nexon-50%


The current videos/status being made by Timesmurder are:

1.New Counter Productions Intro - 0%
2.[MS Series]Fall of Time Intro - 0%
3.[MS Series]Fall of Time Episode 1 - 0%


The current status/videos being made by Moof are:

1. Operation 7 Duet: Comedy Stunts-COMPLETE

2.Combat Arms Golden AK Rampage-COMPLETE

3.Voice-acting for Attack Of The Noobs II-20%


The current status/videos  for EScommander:

1.Voice-acting for Attack Of The Noobs II-COMPLETE

2. Special Edition: When Chuck Norris Attacks-45%