Youtube Cast

These are our current members in Counter Productions. Remember to subscribe to all of them! =D Please enjoy as each member entertains in specified fields.

Our Videos Entertain Fans of:

MapleStory, Combat Arms, Operation7, Supreme Commander, Gunz, Soldier Front, Final Fantasy, FPS games, Garry's Mod, orchestra, hip-hop, anime, and animation!

CCshinobi [CCninja]- Maplestory Videos, Director/Animator

Timesmurder [Etaru] - Maplestory Videos, Animator/Voice-Actor

EScommanderRPG game Videos, Executive Producer

hovis95MapleStory Videos, Editor & Painter

0PointShot - FPS games & music, Background Supporter

Moof - Glitching/Hack Guides, Effect Supporter, Hacker

R0SAKI - No Videos...Voice-Actor and Sound Editor

Kingemes - Voice-Actor and Music Supporter

iamachessaddict - Final Fantasy Videos, Voice-Actor

Fudgerocket3 - Comedy/Anime Videos, Excellent Computer Artist

DoubleCshinobi  - Anime Videos, CC's Emergency Account

SniperTallgeeseIII - Drama, Talented Voice-Actor